

的 purpose of this policy is to ensure the security, confidentiality and appropriate utilization / access of data processed, stored, maintained, or transmitted in conjunction 使用十大彩票平台(EGSC)的横幅学生信息系统.



User account access to the EGSC 横幅 system will be limited to the extent necessary 供教育服务中心雇员、学生工或临时雇员执行其工作 责任. 访问横幅数据必须得到相应横幅的批准 数据管理员负责请求访问的数据. 程序 on how to request a new 横幅 使用r account, how to request access/modify access to 横幅的数据 and how to request a 横幅 使用r account be deactivated are provided in 本政策的“程序”部分.

除了 to the information outlined within this policy, the confidentiality, 使用 and release of electronic data are further governed by established EGSC policies as 以及联邦和州法律,包括以下内容:

    • 联邦教育权和隐私法(FERPA)
    • EGSC学生目录
    • EGSC员工手册
    • 资讯科技政策及程序


横幅数据: Any data that resides on, is transmitted to or is extracted from the EGSC 横幅 system, including 横幅的数据bases or database tables/views, file systems, directories and 形式.

横幅数据库管理员: A member of the EGSC 信息技术 unit who is responsible for managing / 支持EGSC 横幅系统. DBA还负责处理已批准的数据 新的横幅用户账户申请,负责处理已批准的横幅用户 账户数据访问/访问修改请求并负责处理 已批准的横幅用户帐户请求停用横幅用户帐户.

横幅数据管理员: EGSC员工(1.e.(经理、主任、副总裁或副总裁) 记录、财政援助或商务事务单位谁负责审批 一个横幅用户帐户和横幅访问级别(1).e.、维护访问、查询 access) to 横幅的数据 that is managed within the employee’s respective area of responsibility.


        • 招生——招生主任
        • 商务事务-财务会计总监
        • 财政援助-财政援助主任/招生管理副总裁
        • 记录-注册处处长

横幅学生信息系统: 一个包含学生学术和财务数据的数据库系统. 其他学术 学院的行政数据元素也被安置在横幅中. 横幅 Web是学生、教师和工作人员普遍使用的横幅版本 使用. 横幅 INB (Internet Native 横幅)是横幅的“高级”版本 utilized primarily by EGSC employees in the Student Affairs / 招收ment Management 及商务事务组.

横幅用户帐户: A 横幅 使用r account is required to access the “advanced” version of 横幅, also 被称为横幅 INB (Internet Native 横幅). 一个横幅用户帐户是不一样的 as a 横幅 ID number, which is typically referred to as the EGSC Student ID number 从930开始. 所有EGSC员工和学生都发给了横幅 ID号码 在受雇或被接纳入读香港教育服务中心后. 使用横幅 ID号 浏览横幅网页.

维护访问: A level of access within 横幅 that enables a 横幅 使用r account to view and modify 横幅的数据.

查询访问: A level of access within 横幅 that enables a 横幅 使用r account to view but not 修改横幅数据.


This section provides information on how to request a new 横幅 使用r account, how to request access/modify access to specific 横幅的数据 elements and how to request 停用/关闭横幅用户帐户.


    1. 在申请新的横幅用户帐户之前,用户必须满足以下条件:
      1. 现为EGSC员工、学生工或临时员工. 
      2. Successfully complete the USG Information 安全 Awareness and FERPA training modules located in the 十大彩票平台 online learning management system (Georgia 查看网站).
    2. If the 使用r does not have an existing EGSC workstation account/email address, the 使用r’s supervisor or a member of EGSC Human Resources will need to complete and submit 网上“资讯科技网络/查阅要求”表格,载于“资料 myEGSC门户网站的“十大彩票平台表单”区域的“技术”部分.
    3. “资讯科技网络/访问请求”表格包含一个十大彩票平台“横幅访问”的链接 “请求”表格,该表格也需要由用户的主管填写. 的 “横幅查阅申请”表格亦可于网上查阅、填写及递交 by selecting the link to the form, which is located in the “信息技术” myEGSC门户网站的“十大彩票平台表单”区域. 用户的主管 will need to indicate in the appropriate areas on “横幅访问请求”表格 the various 横幅的数据 elements the 使用r will need to access as part of the 使用r’s 工作职责. 对于表单上选择的每个横幅数据元素,各自的 横幅 Data Steward需要批准请求的访问.
    4. 一旦“IT网络/访问请求”表格和/或“横幅访问请求”表格完成 completed, submitted, and the necessary approvals are obtained from the respective 横幅 Data Stewards, the 横幅 Database Administrator (DBA) will create the 横幅 用户帐户,并分配相应的已批准的横幅访问级别. 旗帜 DBA will retain copies of the completed/signed “IT Network/Access Request” form and “横幅访问请求”表格. “横幅访问请求”表格需要作为一部分 of the USG 横幅 Separation of Duties (SOD) report that is submitted biannually to 美国地质调查局系统办公室.
    5. 横幅用户密码必须由用户每90天修改一次.

To request access to specific 横幅的数据 or to modify the current 横幅的数据 access 现有横幅用户帐户:

    1. 用户的主管 should complete and submit the online “横幅 Access Request” form, which is located in the “信息技术” section of the “Online Forms” 区域的myEGSC web门户.
    2. 用户的主管 will indicate in the appropriate sections on the “横幅 Access Request” form the various 横幅的数据 elements the 使用r will need to access and/or 其中的访问权限将被移除. 对于表单上选择的每个横幅数据元素, 各自的横幅数据管理员将需要批准请求的访问.
    3. Once “横幅访问请求”表格 is completed, submitted, and the necessary approvals are obtained from the respective 横幅 Data Stewards, the 横幅 Database Administrator (DBA)将分配/删除对已批准的横幅数据元素的访问权限. 旗帜 DBA will retain copies of the completed/signed “横幅 Access Request” form as the form is needed as part of the USG 横幅 Separation of Duties (SOD) report that is 每两年向美国地质调查局系统办公室提交一次.


    1. 当雇员、学生工或临时雇员不再需要 使用 of his/her 横幅 使用r account due to changes in 工作职责, resignation, 终止等.,相应的横幅用户和EGSC网络/电子邮件帐户必须 be closed prior to or no later than close of business on the last day of employment.
    2. For EGSC employees including student workers, the EGSC Human Resources (HR) unit will 通过电子邮件通知IT副总裁员工的离职日期. 的通知 的目的,可在电子邮件讯息中包括其他EGSC单位负责人. 除了 to the email notification, the EGSC HR unit will complete and submit the online “IT Network/Access Request” form located in the “信息技术” section of the myEGSC门户网站的“十大彩票平台表单”区域. 此表单必须停用 为用户创建的任何EGSC网络和/或电子邮件帐户. 当完成 the form, the “Remove Access” option is to be selected along with entering the respective 使用r’s name, EGSC 横幅 ID number (number that begins with 930) and the name of the 用户所在的EGSC单位. 一旦表格被EGSC数据库接收 Administrator (DBA), the 使用r’s EGSC network and/or email accounts will be deactivated. DBA将保留填妥的表格副本.
    3. For temporary employees whose 工作职责 require an EGSC network account/email ,营运总监会以电邮(csworkFREEOMNIUPDATE) the employee’s name, last date of employment and the EGSC unit the temporary employee 曾在. EGSC数据库管理员(DBA)将停用临时雇员的数据库 在指定的最后就业日期的EGSC网络和/或电子邮件帐户.
    4. For all employees (including temporary employees) the employee’s supervisor will complete and submit the online “横幅 Access Request” form, which is located in the “Information myEGSC门户网站的“十大彩票平台表单”区域的“技术”部分 indicating the employee’s 横幅 使用r account should be disabled and access to 横幅 removed. Once the 横幅 Database Administrator (DBA) receives the 横幅 Access Request form, 相应的横幅用户帐户和访问权限将被禁用/删除. 旗帜 DBA will retain copies of the completed/signed “横幅 Access Request” form as the form is needed as part of the USG 横幅 Separation of Duties (SOD) report that is 每两年向美国地质调查局系统办公室提交一次.